Saturday, 5 July 2008

Miracle Berry Party

People from all around the world are now holding miracle berry parties. We have made a yahoo group so people from all around the world can find a miracle berry party in their area.

Join our yahoo group now and talk to other people about your miracle berry experiences, and what food you tasted, you can even enter our miracle berry competition and win a years suppple of miracle berry tablets !

At a miracle berry party, first you take one miracle berry pill and let it dissolve on your tongue, making sure it coats as many of your taste buds as possible, then you can move onto the buffet.

Lemons, limes, grapfruits, oranges, rhubarb,tomato, vinegar and pickled foods, bitter and stout lagers and ales, cheeses and many many more foods are available to taste and enjoy the completely new taste of these once bland tasting foods.

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